
Sunday 13 September 2015

Big plans!

Hello lovely people,

That's the first few days of my career break gone but I don't think it has really sunk in yet!

I thought I would do a post on some of my plans for the year and share some photos of my crafting space before it gets a major overhaul.

WARNING: no cards to see here!

What I plan on doing with my year off;

1)  Undertaking the Independent Prescribing course at Bath Uni, which will take about 1 day per week for the next 7 months and then I will be a pharmacist prescriber :-)

2)  Planning our 8(ish) week jaunt to America in May/June 2016 - road trip!

3)  HUGE blitz and de-clutter of all the cupboards in the house - yes, I love to organise!

4)  Tidying and slight redesign of garden

5)  Redesign and update of both our en-suite and bathroom

6)  Making cards for charity using all the free gifts from magazines that I have accumulated

7)  Completing my Kit & Clowder colouring classes

8)  Doing lots of baking :-)

and of course...

9) Major re-organisation of my crafting space - yay!

What I have accomplished so far;

1) Started designing my planner, which is going to be A5 sized and probably housed in a Filofax.  I will be sharing my custom printable pages when I am done so if you like planners and organisation, watch this space!

2)  Ordered a new printer because the old one died on the first day of my career break, so I can't print any of my planner pages or any digi images :-(  I have ordered a Canon Pixma so can't wait for it to arrive!

3)  Moved some old bookcases out of my craft room (big thanks to Dr. Hubby for helping me with that!) to make space for new units from Ikea, which hopefully we can get soon.  The new units will be white to match my current desk and shelves.  The room is getting a new coat of paint too...want to guess the colour?!

Ok, so here's my little crafting corner, which consists of a 2m long desk supported on 2 incredibly useful drawer units, and some shelves - all from Ikea.

The desk tidy is a recycled wine box from Baxter and Snow, which I fell in love with and just *had* to have, but it has proved extremely useful for all my regularly used items.

 The shelves in the corner can't have anything too heavy on them but are great for bits and bobs.  I have had the 9-drawer unit on the desk for a while and just got the 30-drawer unit a couple of weeks ago; my flowers look so pretty in there!

Yep, that's my complete collection of beloved Copics right there where I can get at them!

The teeny crochet owl was from my sister-in-law and I will be amazed if anyone recognises the prawn plushie, which was a present from my husband!

To the right of my desk is a bookcase, which was full of crafting supplies but has now been moved into another room.

The little metal bucket on my desk is my bin...yes, there is a much bigger bin at the back of the room too!

The box under the desk is my Christmas craft supplies, ready for me to sort through and plan my designs for this year.

If you spotted the random squares of paint on the walls, that was me testing colours but I don't think any of them are quite right so the search continues for the right shade of pink!

I hope my super long post wasn't too boring but I am so excited to share all my plans with you, and I will keep you all updated on my progress over the next year.

I hope you have all had wonderful weekends and I'll be back with a card in the next couple of days!

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,


  1. Ooh I do love a good nosey so thanks for letting us into your crafty space!! Sounds like you are in for a busy year Kat, make the most of it, as I said previously it will fly!! xx

  2. Hoping all goes well with your plans :-) Loving your crafty area - can I come and play lol - love all your makes so will look forward to seeing what you come up with and the chance of planner pages - I'm always on the look out for things to make me more organised - I LOVE lists - just need to get my bum in gear and things actually crossed off the lists :-) xx

  3. So neat and tidy Kat. I can see you love to organise lol
    Looks like you have a busy year ahead, enjoy the time as I'll bet time flies by and you'll be back at work before you know it
    Anne x

  4. Ooh that sounds like an exciting and busy year you have ahead of you :)
    Thanks for sharing your plans and craftroom with us, I hope you continue to find time to create your beautiful cards in the next year and wish you all the best.

  5. It sounds like you have a very exciting year planned. I took a career break for a year....decided to retrain in something new....that was 3 years ago!! I'm still at home with the kids and loving every minute!
    Your craft room looks fabulous and so well organised. Hope you find the shade of pink.
    Lorraine x

  6. Spunds like such an exciting year ahead. I love organising and sorting out, a place for everything and everything in its place. Can't wait to hear your road trip plans and look forward to updates on the craft space x

  7. I guess...PINK! It sounds as if you will be a busy girl. Can't wait to see the transformation of your space, hear about your travels and of course be inspired by your lovely creations! Hugs, Brenda

  8. Loved looking around your craftroom Kat and it will look so lovely in pink with the white furniture..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  9. HOW is your craft room so tidy and organised?!! Can I move in? Lol you should see my room haha! As I can't move from my bed I have to have as much at arms reach as poss, so bags of stuff everywhere haha!! Ooh you have lots of plans! Hope we still get to see lots of lovely cards from you :-)
    Lucy x

  10. Hey hun,
    Boy I have missed load, so sorry for not popping by for so long !!

    Your list sounds brilliant, I bet you are really excited ! Your room is so tidy !!! I haven't been in mine for a while now but it needs a serious clearout and repaint.

    I hope all is well with you. Sending hugs xxx

  11. OOoh I love a nosey round someone's craft room. It's fab. You have a LOAD of copics (I'm jealous!) and I love all your space and light. Can't wait to see the new pink room!

  12. Oh Kat, what an exciting time. I am so pleased for you. You have so many wonderful plans to make and look forward to. Thank you for sharing your lovely craft room with us - you are very organised! I have an Ikea expedite unit which makes everything look tidy and organised....until you open the drawers!!!
    My boys bought me a Canon Pixma for Christmas - it is fabulous for crafty purposes. I never have a problem printing on card and the ink in the digis never runs - good choice Kat!
    Have a super week...

  13. what a lovely way to spend a year - have fun planning and doing all those lovely things - it will fly by so enjoy every moment (I had a five year career break and couldn't beeive it went so quickly ) hugs judith x

    ps lovely tidy craft room x

  14. Goodness I seem to have missed so much on your blog and love the looky around your crafting space! looks great and so tidy too!
    AWESOME! hugs me x

  15. I loved this post KAt. I wish you luck in all your endeavors. Your craft space is gorgeous xx


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