
Thursday 8 October 2015

Tilda is back!

Hello lovely people,

As this posts today I am heading into 'work' to start observing ward rounds for my prescribing course; I have to do 90 hours of practice so I really need to make a start! 

While I am exercising the little grey cells it's time for a new challenge at As You Like It and our theme is...

...and don't forget to tell us why it's your favourite!

Our sponsor this time is Stamp and Create with a $20 voucher

Occasionally I go for black and white but most of my cards are in colour...well, there are so many lovely colours to choose from!

Especially pink!

Floral pink handmade card featuring Tilda hiding rose bouquet by Magnolia Rubberstamps

It has been ages since I coloured up a Tilda and this is one of the collection I have that have never seen ink.
I'm so glad I decided to play with her as I had such fun colouring her :-)

Floral pink handmade card featuring Tilda hiding rose bouquet by Magnolia Rubberstamps

My original design for this card had a circular sentiment in the top right corner and there I was with the sentiment hovering over the card with the back taken off the sticky pads....and suddenly I wasn't sure I wanted I left it off!
What do you think; would it look better with a sentiment?!

Floral pink handmade card featuring Tilda hiding rose bouquet by Magnolia Rubberstamps

Card recipe;
Image: Tilda hiding rose bouquet
DP: Coffee in the Arbour - Maja Designs (available from Live and Love Crafts)
Ribbon: from stash
Dies: Leaf and swirl, and Tilda lace - Magnolia Doohickeys

Copic colours;
Skin: E000/00/21/11/04 & R20
Hair: E41/43/47
Skirt / headband / leaves: YG61/63/67
Apron / flowers: RV11/R83/R56
Blouse / lace on skirt: W00/1/3
Boots: E41/42/43/44/47
Ground: W00/0/1/2/3/4

I hope you will pop over to As You Like It and check out the fabulously creative projects from the rest of the team :-)

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,

Challenges I am entering;
Papertake Weekly (anything goes +/- Halloween treat holder)


  1. Don't touch it, it's perfect as it is! :-)
    I actually quite often stop short on adding a sentiment to a card. That way it can be used for so many occasions. either way, this card looks so lovely as is, I'd say go with your instinct and leave it off!

    And it's colour for me too. As much as I love the black and white look, I really, really struggle to make them. x

  2. Such a pretty card Kat with or without the sentiment!! xx

  3. Hi Kat, I adore this card you have created. She is gorgeous and love the colours . The card design is fabulous and the colours are perfect and all topped off with those pretty flowers. A really pretty girly card. I prefer it without the sentiment. Hugs Jennifer xx

  4. Gorgeous card Kat, I love the colours and the character is very cute. I think you made the right call on the sentiment - it looks perfect without it and has a great 'balance'. Good luck getting your brain in gear today :)
    Katrina xx

  5. Oh isn't she adorable! fabulous colouring of her too Kat, love your colour choice. Sentiment? I always have the same problem so i think you have made the right choice.

  6. Nooooooooooo leave the sentiment off!!! Like you, I often struggle putting a sentiment on because I think it ruins or unbalances the layout.. and people can always write what they want inside!!!

    Of course, she had to be PINK......... and she's utterly gorgeous! Fabulous colouring Kat..

    Christine x

  7. Its gorgeous as it is - such a pretty image and great layout x

  8. Beautiful colour tones. The sweetest image and papers. Adorable as always. Elaine

  9. This is gorgeous Kat, such a sweet image and stunning colouring to match those pretty papers. I do think you need to add a sentiment, it's perfect as it is!
    hugs Sue xx

  10. Stunning card Kat and I think it looks perfect without the sentiment. Love the image and the colour scheme and your colouring is gorgeous.
    Deborah A

  11. Kat, this is a truly beautiful card. Your colouring is exquisite and your layout so gorgeous with the pretty flowers and die cuts. The papers are wonderful and I of course think your pink colour scheme is fab!
    I rarely add a sentiment and I think your card is just perfect as it is...
    Hope today went well.

  12. She looks so pretty Kat. A gorgeous card with lots of pretty details and beautifully put together.
    Lorraine x

  13. I struggle with sentiments and often either forget or don't have room for them. Like Christine I find they sometimes don't look right on the card but I am really trying to get better and sometimes tuck them under the image a bit. She's gorgeous as she is though. Don't touch her one bit. Love your colouring and papers. Beautiful card Kat.

  14. Just love your layout, colours AND colouring. I think sentiments can be a distraction from the main work on a card. It would be a shame IMO, to clutter your perfectly beautiful project with a message.

  15. She looks so beautiful Kat...fabulous colouring and love the layers and stitching and the flowers..I would leave the sentiment off until the card is needed..really lovely.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. Amazing card, Kat! Love the imagej, the coloring and your wonderful design.

  17. This is an adorable card, your stamped Tilda image is gorgeous and you have matched the colours with the papers beautifully. I'm so late in getting around to everyone and commenting - where does the time go?

  18. Oh my, this card is gorgeous. Your coloring is stunning. Pretty papers/colours too. Luv, Wilma

  19. Tilda is soooo pretty! This is a gorgeous card Kat xx

  20. Aww this is just stunning!! Those papers are delish!! I've been trying to resist them for so long!! Gorgeous colouring and design too!!

    Ooh I'd be sooo excited if you made a card using the new fairy at All Dressed Up and shared it on the FB page!! Your cards are truly stunning I bet you'd make something amazing with her! <3 :-)
    Lucy xx

  21. So beautiful Kat - your colouring is awesome - I especially love her hair :o)
    Looks perfect just as it is.
    Hope 'work' went well.
    Must be time to sort out a coffee morning soon???
    Debs xx

  22. Just gorgeous, adore Tilda. Love Jane x

  23. I thought you’d like to know your project has been showcased as one of Favorites on my Feature Friday post today! Thank you for being a follower of all things beautiful. Take care and enjoy your weekend. Amy A.


Thank you for leaving me a comment; I love to read them :-)