
Sunday 17 April 2016

Game on!

Hello lovely people,

I know you have all been waiting with baited breath for an update so I won't disappoint...

2 sleeps until the final exams for my prescribing course - double eek!

5 sleeps until beer festival

5 sleeps until my next coffee and cake date with my lovely friends Sue and Debs (date moved so now I get to have cake and a little natter followed by beer festival all on the same day!)

8 sleeps until holibobs

15 sleeps until my birthday

I hope you have all had some sunshine over the weekend; I have certainly been enjoying it, especially with a fab trip to Bourton-on-the-Water today for lunch with some family :-)

It was perfect weather for driving in the new car with the roof down and my new sunglasses :-)

Ok, ok, crafting yes...I do have a card to share!

I have been playing with another of the awesome new images from LOTV and after making a few cards with Jasmine, I thought it was Oliver's turn!

Male card with LOTV image Oliver game boy

I wanted a softer look to the image to match the papers so I stamped the image with dark grey ink and used my Inktense pencils.
I was pretty happy with how it turned out, given I'm still a beginner with these pencils.

Male card with LOTV image Oliver game boy

Card recipe;
DP: Home for the holidays - Maja Design (available from Live and Love Crafts)

Inktense colours;
Skin: 1800 Baked earth, 1740 Saddle brown
Hair: 1720 Tan, 1740 Saddle brown
T shirt / hat: 840 Iron blue, 1100 Deep indigo
Computer / game pad / earphones: 2020 Indian Ink
Pad buttons: 400 Poppy red
Table: 1740 Saddle brown, 2010 Sepia Ink

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,


  1. Great card Kat, love your colouring with the pencils and your layout with all the lovely papers :)
    Good luck with your final exam !
    Hugs, Kaz x

  2. A brilliant card Kat, Oliver looks fab and I love the design
    Good luck with your exam.
    Lorraine x

  3. Brilliant card love the image Debbs xxx

  4. You've done a great job Kat. Fabulous card x

  5. Fabulous card Kat,the image is great and the colouring is gorgeous. Love the colours you have chosen. Plenty of fun coming your way once your exam is over and I am sure you will enjoy every minute. Hugs Jennifer xx

  6. The muted colouring suits the paper perfectly - I love this!!! xx

  7. Super card Kat...and of course super colouring. Good luck with the exams and enjoy all the other things you have planned. Whats next after that?...perhaps countdown to Christmas???....NOooooooooo.............LOL

  8. Hi Kat, what a great male card! Love the softer colours!
    Sounds like you have lots of lovely things to look forward to and good luck with your exam!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  9. Gorgeous card Kat, and your pencil work is FABULOUS. Good luck tomorrow for your exam hun.

  10. Ooh you are lovely Kat, loving the countdown! Well jel' about the trip to Bourton-on-the-Water too. I love that lil' town. One of my favourite trips around England some years back included a gorgeous visit there. Love the lil' stone bridge over the water by the Cotswold Company store. (Is the store still there?!) Loving the sound of the new car (soft top obviously?!). Do get hubby to take a shot for us of you in it like that. All sounds rather glam and magical!

    Gorgeous card today. Love the paper combo, utterly perfect for this image with your fabulous soft Inktense colouring. Love the soft effect they give. Beautifully done and brilliant boys image too. Love it! Big hugs, Wends x


Thank you for leaving me a comment; I love to read them :-)