
Friday 3 June 2016

Feeling happy

Hello lovely people,

Things I am happy about today;

1)  I have had an utterly amazing 38 day holiday in America but am actually happy to be home again to sleep in my own bed and catch up with all my friends and family

2) I passed my course and am now a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber (so I can prescribe medicines just like a doctor!)

3)  It has been sunny today so I was able to do a little tidying in the garden; still LOTS more to be done though!

4)  While I was away, this happened...

I had to sit on this news for ages and then I was unable to get my hands on the actual magazine until I got back to the UK so I am super excited to finally share it with you.

I even got a little bit of my colouring on the cover!

I thought I'd share all 3 cards at once rather than spread them out but I won't do all the extra shots with close ups and details as this post would be unbelievably long if I did, and I kept the cards fairly simple anyway to show off the images.

 #1 - my favourite card of the trio :-)

Trio of Summer cards for Making Cards magazine feature (Sand castle Ellie by The Paper Nest Dolls)

#2 - that sentiment is so true!

Trio of Summer cards for Making Cards magazine feature (Surfer Avery by The Paper Nest Dolls)

#3 - yum yum...anyone fancy ice cream now?!

Trio of Summer cards for Making Cards magazine feature (Ice cream Ellie by The Paper Nest Dolls)

Card recipes;
DP: Country meadow, Pastel dreams, and Bonnets and bowties (solids) - all from Nitwit Collections
Dies: Tilda lace - Magnolia Doohickeys
Charms: Shell mix - The Hobby House
Sentiments: various from stash

Copic colours;
Skin: E000/00/21/11/04 & R20
Hair (ice cream): E11/15/18
Hair (sandcastle): E53/35/59
Hair (surfer): Y21/YR23/E35
Turquoise bits: BG000/01/02
Pink bits: R81/83/85
Yellow bits: Y23/35/YR23
Sand: YR30/E50/E51/YR31/E53
Water: BG0000/000
Shell: E41/423/43
Stick: E55/57
Ice cream cone: E50/51/53

I hope you have all had a beautiful day, sunny or otherwise!

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,


  1. Yay great news all round, well done lovely xx and so pleased you had a nice holiday x

  2. Congratulations on your news and glad you had a good holiday. Three lovely cards Kat!

  3. Congratulations, firstly on passing your course - well done and secondly on the cards published in the magazine, again well deserved. I have the magazine and the cards are beautiful.


    PS - Glad you have a lovely holiday. Will we get to see some photos?

  4. Wow! So much news! Congratulations on passing your course and well done for having your work published too! Well deserved hun! And the cards are gorgeous too, fab summer images and wonderfully coloured :)

  5. So pleased you had a wonderful holiday and congratulations on passing your exams too, well done you.
    Great to see your cards in this magazine, you must feel thrilled and they are adorable too.

  6. Glad you had a great time. Well done on passing your exams and on the mag article too, fabulous cards

  7. Loads and loads of congratulations Kat. Really great news for you. Your cards are amazing...well done. X

  8. Welcome back, congrats on the certification, and WOW those are some gorgeous cards! :-) x

  9. I'm so glad you had a lovely time in the USA Kat, and so happy to hear you passed your exams - well done!

    Congratulation on the mag article as well, it's well deserved - your cards are fabulous. Hugs x

  10. Many congratulations Kat on passing your exams and on the fabulous magazine article, I'm so happy for you. Bet you'll be skipping around the house for weeks :)
    Your cards are all gorgeous, lovely summery colours.
    Katrina xx

  11. Congratulations on all of your good news - a great time for you and I'm sure plenty of celebrations!
    Kath x

  12. Congratulations on everything Kat! I actually bought that magazine so I get to see all your lovely cards first them!!

    Sharon x

  13. Hi Kat
    Lots of news congrats on passing your exam....
    And a lovely holiday... And your Mag... Article....
    Ooh!! forgot to say your wonderful cards...
    Hugs Sylvie xx

  14. So good to have you back Kat! HUGE congratulations on your qualification, I had no doubts about it at all but it's nice to know it's now real. Well done you, all that really hard work paid off. And HUGE congratulations on your magazine feature, it's about time the mags featured your quality, and you have done it good and proper. Awesome my clever little friend. Huggles xx

  15. These are so stunning! Fab to see them in print huge congrats Hun! Hope you had a wonderful hollibobs!
    Lucy x

  16. Congrats on everything!!! Your cards are gorgeous too - well done on getting published xx

  17. Great to see you in print Kat, such gorgeous cards. Well done on your achievement too xx

  18. These are all fabulous Kat - I don't think I could choose a favourite! And well done on having them in print!!

    Big hugs
    Christine x

  19. WoW, Kat, congratulations on all your accomplishments! Not surprised at all the way it all turned out. Glad you had a wonderful, well deserved holiday. BIG HUGS!

  20. Wow Kat, So much happy news and I'm really pleased for you about your course. I know where to come now when I get any ailments! Lovely cards too, so well deserved to have them featured in the magazine. Beautiful creations. Congrats all round honey and I'm glad you're back home safely.

  21. I'm so happy when I hear someone is so happy like you. :) I can feel your positive vibes and it feels so good!
    Hope you had a great time in the garden...

  22. many congratulations! Mary x

  23. Hi Kat, many congratulations on passing your exam, knew you would. So glad you had a great holiday and wow getting your work into print, how amazing you myst be so proud, The cards are all wonderful made. Big Hugs Jennifer xx

  24. Congratulations Kat..three superb and gorgeous cards and they look wonderful in the magazine..congrats on passing your exams and glad you had such a lovely is always lovely to get back into your own bed..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  25. Congratulations on everything Kat, you must be absolutely delighted!
    Janice x

  26. Congratulations on all your good news!
    Gorgeous cards too.
    Lorraine x

  27. Welcome home hun! It is so nice to sleep in your own bed after a long journey! What an amazing time you've had and what a fabulous feeling to come back to two rather epic bits of news! Congrats on the Prescribing course success. That's really something!! Fab career boost. Wonderful spread in Making cards too! It's a big article, two page spread!! Lovely cards, all of them! Congrats hunny. Big hugs, Wends x

  28. Congratulations on your magazine commission Kat, all the cards are gorgeous, love the sweet images and beautiful colour combos :)
    Hugs, Kaz x


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