
Friday 23 September 2016

A 70th birthday weekend

Hello lovely people,

You may remember that last weekend I was celebrating my Father-in-law's 70th birthday and we had a brilliant family weekend away in a lovely hotel in Weston-super-Mare.

Here's the gang of us enjoying a stroll along the beach in glorious sunshine, which I was not prepared for as I was wearing a jumper and had forgotten my sunglasses!

That's me in the middle, Dr. Hubby also near the middle in jeans and the birthday boy in check shirt on the left.  There are a couple missing from here, which would be Dr. Hubby's Mum and one of his sisters who were taking the photos!

The kids went to play further down the beach where it was basically just mud and this is what they looked like afterwards...including the big kid who went to play with them AKA Dr. Hubby!

In the evening (after cleaning up!) we had a gorgeous meal in the hotel and since it's a rare event to get a nice picture of me and Dr. Hubby, here we are :-)

Of course, I also have the card to show you that I made for this special birthday and I have to say that I was really pleased with how it turned out.

I was also rather pleased to use these stamps since I bought them some months  ago but hadn't used them until now- oops!

Stamped DIY wreath card for special birthday (Card-io stamps)

I drew a circle in pencil to help me stamp all the elements then rubbed it out.

The numbers were cut with my Cricut and I layered up 3 of them, then popped the greeting on top.

Stamped DIY wreath card for special birthday (Card-io stamps)

I was thinking this would be lovely as a girly design too...with pretty flowers of course!

I hope it's been a good week for you all and that you have a wonderful weekend whatever you are getting up to; I am sadly working :-(

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,

Card recipe;
Numbers: cut with Cricut (Lyrical letters cartridge)


  1. What a lovely couple of photos Kat and a beautiful one of you and hubby.
    The card looks great, brilliant use of the stamps.
    Boooo to work, I hope it goes quickly xxx

  2. Pleased you had a good weekend and lovely weather. This is a brilliant card for a man, love it x

  3. Looks like a great day and a fab card too xx

  4. Fabulous card Kat and looks like you had a fabulous weekend too.

  5. Lovely photo's of your family celebration and a great male card too.

  6. Lovely to see your photographs Kat, it's been a while since we have visited Weston-super-Mare. A great card, the feature 70 looks super with the greeting atop xx

  7. You sure do look as if you all had a fun filled weekend. The photo of you and Dr Hubby is lovely ( you should get it framed) . Fabulous design on the card and what a super stamp for male related cards. ~hugs ~Jennifer xx

  8. what a lovely bunch of photos. Looks like you all had a great time, and how lucky that the weather was so kind to you!

  9. What a fab idea! That card is stunning! Love the photo of you two aswell! The weather atm is pretty unpredictable isn't it lol
    Lucy x

  10. Great photos Kat and love the one of you and Dr.Hubby..fabulous and creative card too..such a wonderful design and WOULD look nice with flowers too..I'm working on the weekend too, so we will both have to make the best of it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. A gorgeous photo of you and Dr Hubby. It sound like you had a lovely time.
    The card is brilliant too.
    Lorraine x

  12. Fabulous photos Kat - it looks like you had a good weekend! The pic of you and your hubby is wonderful - hope you've got it framed!

    Your card for your F-I-L is perfect for the DIY enthusiast... and yes, it would be a perfect card for a female done with flowers!

    Christine x

  13. Great photos on a lovely day! Super card, and I just love those stamps too. I could think of so many males they would suit!
    Janice x

  14. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!
    This is a fabulous card Kat, really lovely idea and perfectly executed
    Anne x

  15. Lovely photos Kat and a lovely card. Glad you had a good weekend. xx

  16. Great photos Kat! Looks like you had a lovely time! I love the design of your card!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  17. Aww what a gorgeous photo of you and Dr Hubby! Love the beach pics, it looks like you had a really special family celebration! Utterly gorgeous job you did on the card too. I bet your papa in law was chuffed to bits! Love those little tool stamps you used and what an innovative way to use them. They look brilliant. I agree too, a girlie version would be gorgeous!! Big hugs, Wends xoxo

  18. Hi Kat - awww - what a gorgeous photo of you and hubby - and your card is brilliant - I bet FIL was really happy with it!


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