
Monday 15 January 2018

So many candles

Hello lovely people,

Does anyone else sometimes find a blog post lurking in your drafts that you thought you'd posted?

Well, I just did and it was far too cute to leave in my drafts folder, so I'm sharing it now.   I made these cards using one of the images from the last LOTV launch, which was the Novem-bears... there is another fantastic new release from LOTV today, and I've already shared lots of cards from that, so today I'm all about the bears!

Colourful birthday card with many candles and cute bear (image from Lili of the Valley)

This little guy peeking out from the candles totally stole my heart and I picked out some lovely colourful paper and coloured the candles to match.

Colourful birthday card with many candles and cute bear (image from Lili of the Valley)

Now, I liked this image soooooo much that I really wanted to see what it looked like in black and white but with just a few pops of red, so I decided to do that too!

The sentiment is from an MFT set and seemed the perfect fit!

Stylish birthday card with many candles and cute bear (image from Lili of the Valley)

I added some Crystal Glamour Dust to the candle flames on both images.

Stylish birthday card with many candles and cute bear (image from Lili of the Valley)

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,

Lovely things I've used;
Candles digi stamp - LOTV (also available as rubber stamp)
Birthday Wishes 6x6 paper pad - Echo Park
Make a wish stamp set - My Favourite Things
Crystal Glamour Dust

Copic colours for colourful version;
Bear fur: E41, E42, E43
Bear nose / inside ear: E40, E41, E42
Green jumper stripes: YG13, YG25, YG17
Pink: R81, R83, R85
Aqua: BG10, BG11, BG32
Yellow: Y32, Y21, Y35
Orange: YR12, YR14, YR16
Flames: YR30, YR31, Y32
Envelope: T0, T1, T2
Ground: T0, T1, T2, T3

Copic colours for black and white version;
will add later


  1. Two beautiful cards Kat, I so do love this image. Hugs Jennifer xx

  2. These are lovely Kat. Beautiful cards. Good to see you last weekend. I hope you had fun in your classes with Faye. xx

  3. So sorry I'm so late commenting, these are both gorgeous cards...both colour combos are fabulous ! Such a cute stamp too :)
    Hugs Kaz xx


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