
Thursday 10 July 2014

Welcome along and some candy!

Hello lovely people,

*This is a sticky post and will stay at the top so please scroll down for my cards *

Welcome to my new blog!  You may be wondering why the new blog address and not just an update of my existing blog.  Well, it's all down to my new 'brand name' of Paper Firefly to link in with the Etsy shop I have set up to sell my cards; everything *must* match in my world - lol!

I have imported all my old blog posts so you can still find all my previous cards on here too.

To thank everyone for (hopefully) joining me on my new blog and my new adventure I am going to have a little giveaway :-)
And since it was my birthday in May I am going to have a two prizes up for grabs as a belated birthday giveaway!

I have two little bundles of pretty ribbon and flowers, one in pastel shades and one in bright shades to give away...

If by some miracle I get to 100 followers on this new site I will add a 3rd mystery prize as well!

I will draw the winners of the candy from all my new followers on this blog on Wednesday 9th July, so you have 3 weeks to join in.  All you need to do is become a follower although I would love it if you shared this candy on your blog too :-)

Thank you to everyone who follows me and for all your support :-)



  1. Hi Kat, wishing you the best of luck with your new Etsy shop! The candy is gorgeous, thank you so much for the chance to win!

  2. Hello Kat.
    Congrats on getting your Etsy shop up and running. I wish you all the best, I am sure it will be a big success are your creations are wonderful!
    hugs Sue xx

  3. HEY Hey! great to see your crisp clean new blog and GREAT Etsy shop too!
    well done setting that up and I hope you sell PLENTY!
    Off to change your links and also add to my sidebar... I think you will have you 100 followers in No time!
    hugs me xx

  4. Waving hello, I am here and added you to my faves list too x

  5. Fabulous new blog Kat... I'm just about to do the relevant linking from ITP. Oooh... can't wait to hear how your cards do on Etsy... have often thought of it myself, but not got around to it yet!

    Christine x

  6. Hiya Kat.
    I am on board for your New Venture. Good Luck with it.
    Glad you are still here, was a bit worried when I first started reading as I thought you were closing blog down. Good your not. Debbiex

  7. Good luck in your new venture Kat - a quick wave hello to your new blog hugs judith xx

  8. Happy new blog Kat!! Of course I will be a follower, it'd be rude not to...and how am I going to keep up with all your fabulous projects unless I do! xxx

  9. Wishing you all the best with your new Etsy shop Kat, I'm sure you will do well your creations are all so following your new blog :)
    Wendy Xx

  10. All the best Kat..hope the shop and new blog goes well..I cant follow at them moment as the blog follow list does not want to show itself to me...but will add you to my favourites and follow by e-mail till it does come back.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  11. I love your wonderful cards so I would love to share your candy on my blog. Congrats on your Etsy Store and I wish you best of luck with your blog and the store. Hugs, joann Sassy Raggedy

  12. Well done on your new venture and blog Kat!! xx

  13. I'm lucky number 21 (triple 7) yay. Love your new blog name Kat and good luck with your Etsy shop. :)

  14. Hi Kat.
    Love your new blog and a great idea to have everything matching. I'm following you now so I don't miss out on any of your lovely stuff. Good luck with your Ebay venture - I keep wanting to take the plunge…will get there one day!

    Sharon x

  15. Good luck with your new venture Kat. Susan x

  16. Where you lead, I will follow
    Anywhere that you tell me to... :)

  17. Hi Kat! Wow what gorgeous candy you are offering! So kind of you! I've followed and put your candy in my side bar! And what wonderful cards you make! Look forward to seeing more from you :-)
    Lucy x

  18. Just want to say hi I'm a new follower after spotting one of your gorgeous makes on fb. Off for a nosy at your older posts your makes are spool pretty. (I've just recently stopped work in a local pharmacy and used card making to wind down too lol)

  19. Hello Kat,
    Loving the new blog and name.
    Thank you for the chance of winning a super yummy candy.
    Hugs Kelly

  20. Love the new blog and I am now following so as not to miss your beautiful creations.

  21. hi Kat,

    I was follower of your old blog and of course I follow your ne blog too! I´m looking forward to your lovely creations!
    Greetings, Natalie

  22. Happy Belated Birthday and thank you for sharing this with all of us I'd be happy to follow you and would love if you followed me to. I've also added a link in my sidebar to let others know thank you for the chance hugs Nikki C

  23. Phew, so glad I found your new spot on the web Kat! It's so lovely and fresh! Thx for the chance to win such lovely candy!

  24. Hello I have just found your blog and become a follower. I love your cards and wish you well with Etsy.

  25. All the best for your new blog, just added myself has a follower and candy on my sidebar, good luck on reaching 100 cheers Sue N x

  26. I am your newest follower and glad to found your blog.
    Happy Belated Birthday!!! Best Wishes for the new blog. Posted the pic in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win these yummy goodies!!!
    Lots of love

  27. I'm here at last!!! So sorry to be unfashionably late...I've been so busy with the craft room makeover that I've not been on blogger for weeks and weeks and now I'm trying hard to catch up with everybody.
    Happy (belated) birthday wishes to you!
    Big hugs
    Elaine xxx

  28. Thanks for the link to this new blog Kat, good luck with your new venture. Fern x

  29. Congrats on your etsy shop and so bold of you to start afresh on a new blog. Such tempting candy too you are offering your followers. Thank you so much for a chance to win such awesome goodies.Have posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar to send you some traffic
    your new follower
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts School Projects

  30. congratulations to you on your Etsy shop. am following you now on your new blog and hope you get more after me - I have no doubt at all that you will!!


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