
Tuesday 8 July 2014


Hello lovely people,

Can you believe that with all the various sport on TV over the weekend I watched almost none of it!  Instead I had a lovely relaxing weekend with my brother and his girlfriend, including several long walks and two cream teas - with homemade scones and jam :-)

But now it's time for a new challenge at Top Tip Tuesday and our theme this time is...


We are sponsored by Whimsy Stamps, prize as below;

I absolutely love fairy images and have quite a few in my collection from various designers so what did I do for this challenge?  Bought a new one - lol!
Once I had coloured her up I really felt she needed to be front and centre so have gone with a CAS design leaving lots of white space around her so she 'pops' off the card. Well, I hope that's the effect anyway!

Many of you know I am taking the skin and hair colouring class at Kit and Clowder and that's how I cam across this gorgeous image.  She was created in honour of the lovely Alyce who is the creator of the classes and a huge colouring inspiration to me.
I have to say I was super happy with how she turned out :-)

Card recipe;
Image: Alyce - The Stamping Chef
DP: My Girl - American Crafts
Twine: The Ribbon Girl
Tag: Sentiment tags - LOTV

Copic colours;
Skin: E000/00/21/11/04 & R20
Hair: Y21/YR23/E15/E18
Eyes: BG0000/000/10/11
Dress / tights: BG10/11/53/45/57
Wings: RV0000/R81/83
Tights / bow: R81/83/85

I hope you will pop over to Top Tip Tuesday and check out the fabulous creations and of course, the top tips from the rest of the team.

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,


Challenges I am entering;
1.  A Little Bit Crafty (It's magic)


  1. Gorgeous and what a fab image.

  2. This is gorgeous Kat, such a pretty image and your colouring looks amazing. Your CAS design showcases her perfectly.
    hugs Sue xx

  3. Oh wow Kat, she is CAS perfection hunny, and so beautifully coloured. Love her! Hugs xx

  4. A gorgeous cas card Kat. the image looks fab and so beautifully coloured.
    Lorraine x

  5. Oh Kat........ she is jaw-droppingly coloured....... WOWWWWW.... her stunning hair... see? I'm lost for words!! I love how you've left the white space around her too.... as you say, it really makes her pop!

    I registered for the class about 10 days ago... but have not had time to sit and concentrate - but if I come anywhere near turning out hair colouring like this at the end of it, I'll be happy!

    Big hugs
    Christine x
    PS... I may just have to buy that image too! x

  6. She is fabulous kat, together with your gorgeous colouring xx

  7. You have every right to be pleased with her, she is gorgeous and your colouring is WOW!!! A lovely card.

  8. A great image beautifully coloured. Elaine

  9. Fabulous colouring and gorgeous colour combo, great cas card

  10. Wowzers! awesome colouring and I LOVE love her hair too! great job sweetie xx

  11. Beautiful colouring Kat.... her hair is fantastic!

  12. gorgeous. love her hair!! fab card x

  13. Wow Kat! This is a stunning card, very CAS indeed, love the colour combo! Hugs, Kerry xx

  14. A gorgeous CAS design! The fairy is beautiful and the colour scheme looks so pretty too. Fantastic colouring!


Thank you for leaving me a comment; I love to read them :-)