
Friday 23 June 2017

A-maze-ing Dad

Hello lovely people,

Happy Friday to you all and today I am sharing a Dies to Die For DT card, which is also the card I made for my Dad for Fathers' Day.

He loves puzzles so this was such a perfect collection to use for his card, although I think he'll find the maze pretty easy to solve - lol!

Father's Day card using MFT a-maze-ing stamps and co-ordinating 3D maze elements

The stamp set includes a stamp of the maze, but I also got the additional plastic mazes which fit inside the shaker pouches and you can get the cutest teeny metal balls to pop inside the maze!

Father's Day card using MFT a-maze-ing stamps and co-ordinating 3D maze elements

I added 1mm foam sheet under the star paper layer for dimension and actually cut a circular aperture into the foam and star paper so that the shaker pouch was also slightly recessed into it.

Father's Day card using MFT a-maze-ing stamps and co-ordinating 3D maze elements

I had so much fun making this and have lots of other ideas for ways to use the stamp set so I think you will be seeing it some more!

If I've tempted you with any of the lovely supplies I've used then you can go straight to the individual products via the thumbnails at the end of my post or just pop over to Dies to Die For and have a little browse around!

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,


  1. What a fabulous shaker card Kat, never seen this puzzle one before and as you say just perfect for anyone who loves puzzles. Love the background design. A fabulous fathers day card.Hugs Jennifer xx

  2. This is such a great card the papers and the unusual design xx

  3. WOW! Kat what a show stopper! A-mazing (sorry I hear you groaning). Haven't seen anything like this before...very clever. Your cards are so professional and you seem able to turn your hand to any technique. Brilliant!

  4. A brilliant card Kat, the design looks fab, love the maze.
    Lorraine x

  5. What a great card for your Dad Kat..brilliant.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  6. Such a fab card for your Dad Kat... a wonderful design with perfect papers and layout! As you know, I'm pretty useless when it comes to masculine cards.. so I've every admiration for those that can master the art!

    I'm frantically trying to catch up on my blogging after my 'wedding fever' couple of weeks.. and I've just glanced back at your wonderful creations... all are stunning!

    Christine x

  7. Dad absolutely loved his card, & the first thing he did was solve the maze of course! An inspired creation & very apt. Love the colours too. Love MUm x

  8. Oh my goodness, I have to get these! I have so many 'boys' who would utterly LOVE this fun interactive card. Love the card design too. Bet your dad loved it to bits! Love the colour palette you chose and the fun sentiment. Hope you're well chickabee, haven't seen much of you lately, so nice to see a couple of cards pop up. Just had a bunch of mags delivered to NZ and was super excited to see a rather gorgeous contribution from you! LOVED seeing your 'signature style' in print. You know how much I love your stitched designs and gorgeous pretty-paper girly makes, so they made me grin from ear to ear. Needless to say, they're going in the scrapbook. Big hugs, Wends xoxo


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