
Monday 3 July 2017

Elephant engagement

Hello lovely people,

It's been a while!  I've been soooo busy lately that I have been neglecting my blog again, but I do have a few posts to share this week.

First up I have an engagement card that a work colleague commissioned and I was requested to put elephants on it so...

Romantic engagement card with elephant couple (image from Digi Stamp Boutique)

I did already have some elephant stamps I could have used but after a quick peek online I fell in love with this image and just had to get it.  It's a digi stamp and as a bonus it comes with 3 other equally gorgeous images!

What a simply adorable couple of ellies :-)

Romantic engagement card with elephant couple (image from Digi Stamp Boutique)

I really wanted to go for a different colour than the more traditional pinks and reds, but of course, I still wanted a pretty, floral, romantic look so out came the flowers!

The sentiment was computer generated and I also added the name of the couple after I took these photos.

Romantic engagement card with elephant couple (image from Digi Stamp Boutique)

I hope life is treating you all well at the moment :-)

Thanks for visiting and I really appreciate any comments that you leave,

Copic colours;
Elephant bodies: W1/W2/W3/W4/W5
Elephant ears / toes: R000/R00/R30/R20
Heart / flowers: B41/B23/B45
Grass: YG61/G82/G94

Lovely things I've used;


  1. This is SOOOOOO gorgeous Kat. Love the pretty papers and, of course, those adorable elephants. Hope life leaves you some crafty time soon xx

  2. Hi Kat, Your card is super cute - love that image.
    Hope you get some you time very soon
    Hugs Kelly

  3. This is gorgeous and l like the blue instead of usual red. Have missed seeing your normal style of card x

  4. This is so cute and pretty, love the ellies and gorgeous layout

  5. A fabulous card. Wonderful design x

  6. Stunning card, the colours you have used. That image is so cute :)
    Hugs, Kaz xx

  7. Beautiful colouring and papers and your little Elephants are just adorable Kat..gorgeous card.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  8. Oh Kat, this card is gorgeous, those little elephants are so adorable. Your design is fabulous as always and beautiful colour choice. Hugs Jennifer xx

  9. Adorable!!!! Love these heffalumps. xx

  10. Ooh I'm so overdue a blog catch up! I know I've left comments on FB but it's not the same as a visit to your beautiful blog. LOVE the papers on this one Kat. Stunning card design and those ellies, they are soo sweet. Stunning card design hun. Utterly LOVE it! Hugs, Wends xoxo


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